No Excuses

“I could never do that.”  This is the #1 thing I hear from people when I tell them that I teach kickboxing classes.  The second most common thing I hear is “I am not coordinated enough too do that.”

Let’s talk about “I could never do that”. This might be true for some people who have life altering injuries or health issues.

Have you tried kickboxing?  Book an intro and attend your first class for free. There is a lot of different variations of kickboxing out there.  Our classes are cardio based, we punch with gloves and wraps on free standing bags (you don’t need to use the bags if you do not want to). We do not fight each other.

Our clients ages range anywhere from 11 to over fifty years old and some of us have some type of minor injury history shoulders, knees, ankles, etc.

This is your class. Don’t worry about how high your kicks are or if your punches don’t look like your friends. We are all here to workout and improve each and every class.  You are encouraged to make each class your own no matter your fitness level.  Think everyone is watching you; guess what; they are too worried about what they are doing and what the instructor is saying.  Sign up for a free intro today.

Let’s take a look at the second thing people say. “I’m not coordinated enough to do that”. Have you ever watched a gymnast, golf pro and professional athlete and thought that looks easy?  What you haven’t seen is the hours of uncoordinated, hooked shots or blown tries they have done over and over and over.  No one is coordinated the first time out. Professional boxers don’t just walk into the ring and knock out their opponents on the first punch without practicing a jab or cross first.  You need to give yourself some time to learn the moves and sequences before you have successfully mastered them.  We are not gymnasts looking for a perfect 10 from the judge, in our classes we just want to improve.  You’ll find that because of muscle memory each time you attend class the moves and sequences become easier.

Come try one of our classes today. No worries, it’s free.

Happy fitness

Cami Olson

P.S. Come try one of our classes today. No worries, it’s free.